Computer and Social Engineering Course
Computational Intelligence
Shohei Kato, Professor
Rm.220B, Bldg No.2
・Emotional and Cognitive Intelligence for Kansei
・Embodiment Intelligence and Intelligent Control for
Humanoid Robots
・Design and Implementation of a
Novel Human-Robot/Agent Interaction
・AI and ICT-Based Approach to Dementia Screening
and Rehabilitation
・Multiagent Simulation of Artificial Life and Artificial
Shun Shiramatsu, Professor
Rm.205B, Bldg No.2
・Supporting public participation using Linked Open
Data (LOD) and narural language processing
・Civic tech (activities for utilizing IT for addressing
social issues through collaboration between engineer
and citizens)
・Clarifying behavior principles of discussion facilitators by
analyzing discussion corpora
・GoalShare: a Web system for sharing goals and finding
potential collaborators
・A user interace for improvisational ensemble with body
motion without musical knowledge